Our New York adventure is over now and we are on the train to Chicago.
Overnight on an AMTRAK train is something you must do once – that will be enough! Here we are boarding the train in Albany NY
The sleeper carriages are mis-named – very little sleeping takes place in them because the condition of the track is so bad that “one” is continually shaken into a semi waking state. And there is definitely no cat swinging in the “roomettes” – here is Linda in her luxury bottom bunk. (toilet conveniently located on her right – with drop down basin over – maybe useful if one of us were to step out into the corridor!!)
The weather has turned rainy and looks like more to come in Chicago. However our last few days in New York have been wonderful.
Our cruise around Manhattan was shrouded in fog but it provided another perspective on the skyline and the Statue of Liberty
Brooklyn Bridge
Brant Park – on 42nd Streetat around 10pm – Empire State Building behind
42nd Street at 10pm looking down to the Crysler Building
We caught the Metro down to Lower Manhattan to see the 9/11 memorial park – this is one of two “waterfalls” created on the footprints of the twin towers – names of all those killed are on the surrounds.
Beautifully done.
Then we wandered through Battery Park and the waterfront area on the lower east side until sore feet stopped us – then it was back on the Metro to get ready for the night cruise around Manhattan
Denis on Wall Street encouraging the Bull — we need him to keep up the value of our super fund!
Tuesday we caught the train to Albany for 2 lovely days with favourite cousin Di – in Saratoga Springs.
We caught up on a decade of life’s stories – and some older ones – great to just stop and share time together. Thanks Di. See you in September.
Love the bunk/ dunny set up. Was there a “Oh, good morning Denis” moment?
No we managed our way to the public funny at the end of the carriage!!